Truly Remarkable Tea

High Garden tea is remarkable because it has to be. This isn’t just tea to us, it’s a way of life that we live and cherish. We offer true herbalism in tea form so you can feel the difference with each sip. A clinical level ecoherbalist {Leah} and a tea connoisseur {Joel} combine decades of knowledge and practice to bring forth remarkable creations based on true wellness. When you experience the gifts of the plants, you once again fall in love with them. And with this remembrance, may you too care for and protect our shared home.

So basically, we care.  Alot.  This tea isn’t just tea.  It’s nature held in a cup, nature wisdom carried forward, and nature preserved… pure tea focused on highest health for us all.

Ecoherbalism for Everyone

We consider herbalism to be an heirloom. Something of great value to be handed down from one to another with care. We are all related in this larger family and this heirloom belongs to each and every one of us. It’s our goal to share this knowledge with anyone interested… especially you.

You will not find any “blueberry black” or “peach green” teas here. No sprayed on flavorings to fool the senses. Just whole plants in their purest forms deliciously blended with purpose. The plants have cared for us since the beginning of our time and it is important that we also know how to care for them. Here at High Garden, that is a mission. We do not use plants, but rather, we work with them. Through this practice, not only are we taking better care of our neighbors in nature, but we also bring you much more potent tea and herbal goods. Ones created through knowledge and care.

Preserving Future Old Growth Forests

Your purchase preserves forests for generations to come, ensuring future old growth forests.

With every item you purchase, you preserve 2 square feet of forested land allowing it to remain a safe haven for the wild lives, both plant and animal that call it home.

With every sip, you can rest assured, you made a difference. How? We save $.50 from every single item purchased and place it into a Forest “Savings” Account until there’s enough to purchase and preserve a chosen plot of forested land. ($.50 equaling 2 square feet is based on a $10,000 per acre purchasing price.)

The forested land is then placed into a conservation easement creating a trail of future old growth forests. We focus on forested land in the southeastern United States rich with botanical diversity and ideally with a water source.

Inspirer Gift Program

It’s become very common for folks known as “influencers” and celebrities to receive gifts and freebies from companies, but we like to do things a little differently around here.

We want to send gifts to the Inspirers in the world.

Who is the Inspirer? The person who is in the midst of a hard time but still finds a way to help to others.  The person who holds their head up when things have been tearing them down.  The Inspirer may not have 100K followers or a new movie coming to the box office, but they do have resilience and strength that movies are made about and they inspire us greatly. This person would probably love and benefit from some healthy tea, but the resources may be too limited to allow it right now.  We’d like to send them some and need your submissions to help us know them.

What is the Inspirer Gift? We send out a Care Package each month to 3 different folks who inspire us and others with their resilience.  It is need based and priority is given to those that otherwise could not purchase the tea.

To find out full details and submit someone, click HERE

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