Upcoming Workshops 2024
Midsouth Women’s Herb Conference Seasons of A Magical Life
Location: Camp McDowell, Nauvoo AL
October 4-6
Join herbalists and teachers from near and far including Robin Rose Bennet, Byron Ballard, Soiree Leone, Phyllis Light, Earcine Evans, myself and more for a weekend of immersive workshops, plant walks, herbal education, and fun! Settle into Autumn with grounding rituals, herbalism, seasonal magic, yoga among the trees, and hundreds of acres of forest to roam and explore. Make new friends and connections at the Herbal Marketplace, drum circle (featuring The Conundrums), Tea Party, Costume Ball, and in-person fun! I’m so excited about this because in-person herbal conferences are becoming more and more rare and this one is especially near and dear to me with so much Appalachia love sprinkled in. If you even think you’ll be craving some seasonal magic when the weather cools, register for this one ASAP and you can get $100 off with the code TEA through the end of July.
I’ll be teaching Ecoherbalism: Its in your Nature for the first time outside of my own program as well as offering Roots Below: the Deep Medicine of Autumn Tea Party as a Preconference treat! Hope to see you there ;)
Earth Day Urban Plant Walk and Hang Out
(In connection with The Land Trust for Tennessee)
Location: Five Wits Brewing Co.
1501 Long St, Chattanooga 37408
April 22, 2024 EARTH DAY
5:30 gather, 6-7 Plant Walk, 7-9 $5 beers, nature cheers, and conversation with other wild spirits who love the Earth.
Join Leah and Joel, the owners of High Garden tEa, for an urban plant walk on Earth Day! Let’s celebrate the medicine among us in the least expected places. Walk just a few feet from Five Wits to find liver tonics, lymphatic cleaners, natural skin care and more standing humbly by. Often called weeds, we call these Wildlings and will have a blast getting to know each of them. Return to the brewery to cheers nature with a $5 beer and good conversation with fellow nature lovers including the incredible folks at The Land Trust for Tennessee who help assure future old growth forests and land preservation. Can’t wait to see you all there!
Cost: Free
Forage: Family Plant Walk
Bring your family to Bloomsbury Farm and join us in an exploration of our plant kin all around us. We’ll touch upon the medicine, food and stories of these plants as well as how we too are nature. We will talk about plant kinship over plant fear, wild edibles and fun ways to bring the outdoors into your home and feel more at home when outdoors!
$35 per person, children up to 12 free
For full details and registration please visit https://bloomsburyfarms.com/products/forage-family-plant-walk
Kitchen Cabinet Herbalism at Nashville Earth Day
Want to bring herbalism into your home but aren’t quite sure where to begin? This class might just be for you! Join me in the education tent (Time to be announced) for a free, fun and everyday applicable class about how to see your own kitchen cabinet as an herbal apothecary. Remedies like sinus steams from Italian seasoning, onions for an ear ache, and thyme honey tea for a cough are just a sampling of all that you’ll learn in this info packed 30 minute class!
This class will be part of the day long free education series for Nashville Earth Day at Centennial Park!
A Five Senses Spring Plant Walk at Rising Fawn Gardens
Join me for Spring Farm Day at Rising Fawn Gardens!
Our dear friends at Rising Fawn Gardens invite you to step into the wonderland of nature’s rebirth. Bring along your family or best friends to walk the numerous trails and see spring's glorious showcase! Picnics are encouraged, and 4 legged friends are welcome on a leash. In addition to free time, you can also choose to sign up for an interactive guided walk along the various trails.
10:15 a.m. and 1 p.m. - Rich Reaves from the Georgia Botanical Society will be leading a cohort for their annual interpretive walk. These walks will be paced slowly to take in the spring ephemerals with the opportunity for photographs. The morning and afternoon walks will be in different locations on the farm.
11 a.m. - Leah Larabell from High Garden Tea will be leading a medicinal plant walk with an interactive, 5 senses focus. This medicinal plant walk will be approximately 1 hour.
1 p.m. - Karen Persinger, Amanda G. Verkest, and Lexy Vogel from Rising Fawn Gardens will be leading a tour of the farm with a focus on land conservation and ecosystems. This tour will be approximately one hour and includes a moderate hike.
There are limited spaces available for these activities that will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis, but our trails will be open and accessible to all throughout the day!
Noon - Wild food and herbal tea tasting, open for anyone to join!

Leah will be teaching a class titled “Herbal Edge Dwellers and Outlaws” at this years virtual conference!

"Better Understanding The Misunderstood" at Shelby Bottoms Nature Center
Join Leah and our friends from Nashville Wildlife Conservation at Shelby Bottoms Nature Center in Nashville on Thursday Nov 10 at 4pm for “Better Understanding The Misunderstood”!
This wonderful workshop is all about getting to know the common wild outlaws, from plants to animals, that are often misunderstood. Whether it’s a feared predator like coyote, or a plant like Pokeweed that we are often eager to remove from our yard, there are benefits to be curious about!
Registration is required and space is limited to 25 curious folks (:
Together we’ll have some fun and get to know some our wild outlaws a little deeper!
Call Shelby Bottoms Nature Center for more info and to reserve your spot!

Cold and Flu season is approaching and can often leave us feeling powerless in the battle against viruses and infections. However, some of our most powerful allies are standing by in our yard or kitchen cabinet. Leah is eager to share with you plant wisdom from the herbal tradition and how to incorporate it into your daily life for empowerment and connection. Herbalism is fun and exciting and that is just what this class will be. Get ready to learn a lot and have a great time doing it.
In this class you will learn:
What herbalism actually is and how you become an herbalist if interested
Wild Plant ID of immune system tonics, antiviral and antibacterial herbs found in the wild during fall and winter months. We will be walking outdoors and meeting lots of wild plants that make powerful and delicious teas and elixirs.
Folk Medicine Making including Teas, Tinctures, Vinegars and Oxymels. We'll take the plants we learn and turn them into delicious herbal preparations together.
Kitchen Cabinet Herb Craft offering the ability to simply reach into your own spice cabinet and know how to create herbal elixirs and teas to battle symptoms and find relief.
Better Understanding the Immune System. A basic anatomy and physiology breakdown to better understand what your immune system is, what it is experiencing during a viral attack, and how to best support it to return to a state of health.
How to work with a fever: Let it burn or cool it down?
10 of Leah's top "must know" plants for cold and flu season and how to work with each of them.
You will leave with:
Your own custom Winter Wellness Tea you blend for yourself
Fire on the Mountain Oxymel (a warming, immune system tonic)
Skills and empowerment to take care of yourself and family with herbs
Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Leah will be teaching a class entitled “Ancient Wisdom of Our Wooden Ancestors” at this year’s Wise Women’s Full Moon Retreat.