Interview With A COYOTE
Episode 5
In this episode, Joel will be interviewing a Coyote and asking her all of the hard questions we've been wondering but weren't sure if it would be ok to ask. She was eager to share her side of the story in hopes that we could coexist and release the fear of what goes "Yip Yip Yip" in the night.
We think you'll get a lot of laughs, (we sure did) and find out some very surprising facts about our doggy cousins running around among us. Our coyote friend shares so many interesting facts about how the fear mongering around coyotes came to be and what the actual facts are.Once she explains all of this, it makes so much sense! Now when I hear coyotes yipping in the distance, I know they are celebrating seeing one another at the end of a difficult day, checking census to see how many are among them (and if their litter size needs to shrink or raise) and are possibly even doing that goofy butt run our old friend Rover does around the house.
Remember, with every neighbor in nature that we get to know just a bit better, the more our community expands and deeper our sense of belonging becomes. See another friend in the wild with just a little mind shift and bit of knowledge.

Cawling All CROWS
Episode 4
In this episode, we’ll be singing the praises of our old friend the crow. This misunderstood songbird is quite possibly the most intelligent creature in North America and is more than willing to become friends with you. In fact, you could even become a Legend Among Crows and we’re here to tell you how.

THYME To Kick That Cough!
Episode 3
In this episode I, Leah, am bringing herbalism home with the focus on the common garden companion, Thyme. Join me as I talk not only about this plant’s medicinal properties, but also how to actually incorporate this into your life.

PINE: Friend, Medicine and Food
Episode 2
In this episode, we are both so excited about Pine that we brought our own info to share with one another. This magnificent tree is one of the best friends you can find in a forest. It can provide year round food, medicine and shelter for us and many other forest family members.

An Introduction the to Sipping Teas and Hugging Trees Podcast
Episode 1
Hello and welcome to the Sipping Teas and Hugging Trees Podcast where we, Joel and Leah Larabell of High Garden tea will be having lighthearted conversations about different neighbors in nature and how we can welcome them into our daily lives.
This episode is a quick introduction to what we hope to bring you with this podcast as well as a little bit about each of us.