It’s become very common for folks known as “influencers” and celebrities to receive gifts and freebies from companies, but we like to do things a little different around here.
We want to send gifts to the Inspirers of the world.
WHO IS THE INSPIRER? The person who is in the midst of a hard time but still finds a way to be helpful to others. The person who holds their head up when things have been tearing them down. The Inspirer may not have 100K followers or a new movie coming to the box office, but they do have diligence, resilience and strength that movies are made about and inspires us all. This person could probably use some healthy tea, but just don’t have the resources to get it right now. We’d like to send them some.
WHO IS ELIGIBLE? This is need based and priority is given to those that otherwise could not purchase the tea. BIPOC, single parents, and elders will be moved to the front of the line but everyone is considered and appreciated.
WHAT IS THE INSPIRER GIFT? We send out a Care Package each month to 3 different folks who inspire us and others with their resilience. The Care Package contains a large package each of our Care and Daily Strength herbal teas.
• We will choose 3 different Inspirers each month from your submissions and send them a Care Package to the address you give us.
• We will email them with the email you provide us that a package is headed their way along with a letter of recognition. We will also email you to let you know your submission was chosen. We will only email those chosen.
• Please feel encouraged to reapply each month if your submission was not chosen. We can only send out what is sustainable for us at this moment in time, and would like to see a package get into every hand needing it.
• We will make selections the first week of the month from the previous month’s submissions.
Simply answer the following questions and email them to hginspirer@gmail.com
1) Name of Inspirer-
2) Email of Inspirer (in case they are chosen)-
3) Your email so we can let you know if they are chosen (we will only email those who were chosen)-
4) Address for shipping (in case they are chosen)-
5) What makes this person an Inspirer? (Please include as much information as you feel relevant since this is our only way of choosing who may need the package most. This is need based and priority is given to those that could not otherwise purchase the tea. BIPOC, single parents and elders are moved to the front of the line so share this information if you are comfortable doing so)
Please note, we will not contact these emails for anything other than if they are chosen. Emails will not be shared with anyone and there will be no further communication on our part and your information is safe. No marketing or annoying follow ups after filling this out, we promise.