BALANCE Tincture


An ancient herbal combo called upon for centuries by women to help promote hormonal balance. It’s sometimes amazing the effect that balanced hormones can have in our lives. Possibilities range from more regular menstrual cycles, cleared skin, more balanced mood, digestive improvement, better sleep, clearer thinking and reproductive health. Though none of this is guaranteed, when supporting a system, bringing balance brings great potential.


Vitex berry ¥

Dandelion root ¥

Alcohol & Distilled Water

¥ certified organic

Suggested use:

30 drops, in juice or water, 1x per day.

NOTE: Benefits can potentially take up to 2 months to achieve when working with these particular herbs but shifts can often be felt within days or weeks. Not intended for use while pregnant or on birth control.


You may also be interested in our BALANCE herbal tea.

Click HERE to go straight to it.


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Teaching Herbalism through Herbal Craft:

My own story:

I struggled with hormone imbalance for years… PMS with severe mood swings, enough to make me question my own decisions and doubt myself. Cramps that would put me down for at least 2 days during menstruation. And breakouts guaranteed to keep me in the dark at least a few days hiding in the shadows. Not to mention my Interstitial Cystitis flares that were hormone triggered before each bleed. I was not balanced and desperately wanted to be. I had learned of the power of vitex berry but doubted its ability to work for me. Why? I don’t know. It seems insane now. But I finally tried it when I was at my breaking point. I started taking a combination of Vitex Berry and Dandelion root because I learned that they work best as a pair. The Vitex berry is thought to work with the pituitary gland while the Dandelion root works with the liver to better break down our hormones and keep better balance. The two together create a lovely synergy. Honestly, the power of Vitex is not really understood. Many theories exist on how it has shown to support hormonal balance for centuries yet no one has really been able to narrow it down to a definite answer. And… that is the story of herbs. They are so much more complex than we are yet able to fully observe and explain. Thankfully, we do have centuries of traditional wisdom, human study and practice guiding our hands and efforts. Anyway, back to my story….

For the first week, I didn’t notice much. My doubt seeped in stronger and I almost just “forgot” to keep taking it. But thankfully I continued. Then, week 2, I began to cry more easily. It became apparent that it was having an effect but I wasn’t sure that I liked the effect that it had. I did further research and reminded myself that the act of balancing can often swing in a few different directions before finding center. I stuck with it and my more sensitive days passed within a week. I then started my period a week early. So far, I wasn’t exactly a fan haha. But I could tell it was doing something so I stuck with it.

I couldn’t really tell anything was happening until my next period. it snuck up on me. WHAAAAT???? No crying on the front porch into a glass of wine for a least a week leading up to my period??? Ok, I wasn’t sure if this was a coincidence so I didn’t get too excited until my next mestruation. Same thing. It came smoothly with hardly any upset at all. This felt like a miracle. But the craziest thing of all hadn’t even revealed itself. Within 5 months, I quit having my Interstitial Cystitis flares that were guaranteed to occur the week before my period. I hadn’t even been taught about the correlation between IC and hormone levels. Once I experienced this, I of course dug in to discover this.

This herbal combination brought back a life that I had missed and craved for at least 5 years. Not only did it offer me this, but I also deeply believe it helped me get pregnant eventually by my body being supported in a way for better balance and reproductive health.

I’m by no means saying that any of this will happen to you or anyone else. I have seen this combination work wonders with countless women over the past 10 years though. Everyone has their own relationship with these herbs and it isn't for everyone. Its for you to decide. Some declare it a saving grace, some notice nothing, and some don’t like the effects. I will say, I’ve seen the folks who love it outnumber those who don’t by a long shot. But again, herbs and people have individual relationships and to each their own experience. Decide for yourself :)

I’m quite happy with this blend and hope that you may be too!

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or prescribe in regards to disease or illness as herbs are not drugs, and I am not a licensed medical professional. I am a plant wisdom keeper known as a clinical herbalist. Through the tradition of herbalism, I am passing on plant wisdom and teaching herbalism so you too can carry this ancient knowledge forward and feel more empowered toward regaining and maintaining your own whole body wellness. This is not a drug, has not been thruugh drug trials and is not intended to ever be confused with a drug. It doesn’t want to be a drug and is not a drug.