
Supportive herbs for the needs of now. Immune, nervous, and circulatory system tonics blended for a healthy tomorrow. Our bodies have entirely new immune challenges to deal with these days. That, along with the many changes and uncertainties, has been wreaking havoc on our nervous systems, key organ systems, and our overall health. This blend was created with today’s health needs in mind.

It’s deeply nourishing to the nervous system, adrenals, immune system, and those key organ systems that play such a vital role in wellness such as our heart, lungs, kidneys, and lymphatic system.





HAWTHORN berry ¥



CALENDULA flower ¥

HOLY BASIL aerials ¥


Gluten Free Alcohol

Vegetable Glycerine ¥

& Distilled Water

¥ organic

Suggested use:

30 drops, in juice or water, 1-3x daily. Long term (1+ month) shows most benefit.

This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Note any and all contraindications with these herbs and take with consideration to these.


You may also be interested in our DAILY STRENGTH herbal tea.


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This has been one of our most popular teas for over 2 years running and with good reason. Its a staple for a home. Deeply nourishing to those systems that need it most right now. I included the following herbs for the following reasons and take it daily knowing that I’m giving myself an incredible gift each day. I included the following herbs for the following reasons. All information provided is for education purpose only so that the herbal tradition may live on in each of us.

SCHISANDRA berry was included due to its noted liver tonic effects along with the information that it is a powerful adaptogen potentially offering strength and balance to the adrenals and nervous system.

RHODIOLA root was included not only for its power as an adaptogen, but also for its ability to potentially battle brain fog and aid in cellular regeneration according to several studies and traditional knowledge.

ASTRAGALAS leaf was included because it is my all time favorite immune system balancing and nourishing herb also bringing side benefits as a lung tonic.

HAWTHORN berry is an Allstar cardiovascular tonic much needed these days.

YELLOW DOCK root has been noted to be a potential ally to the liver when battling viral overload or toxic buildup. I have always loved its alterative (cleansing) abilities and gut tonic effects.

ELEUTHERO root is an all around fabulous nervous system tonic that also brings cardiovascular protective effects and system balancing benefits.

CALENDULA flower soothes irritated tissues and strengthens them as well. It is also a lovely lymphatic tonic aimed at keeping our systems nice and clean for optimal performance and health.

HOLY BASIL aerials bring nervous system support and strength while potentially offering clarity of mind.

LICORICE root synergies and adds harmony to the blend aiding in its effectiveness.

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or prescribe in regards to disease or illness as herbs are not drugs, and I am not a licensed medical professional. I am a plant wisdom keeper known as a clinical herbalist. Through the tradition of herbalism, I am passing on plant wisdom and teaching herbalism so you too can carry this ancient knowledge forward and feel more empowered toward regaining and maintaining your own whole body wellness. This is not a drug, has not been thruugh drug trials and is not intended to ever be confused with a drug. It doesn’t want to be a drug and is not a drug.